Invitation to Baptism Encounter

Dear Friends,
Pastor Judy and I recently returned from participating in a genuine national and international move of God called the North Georgia Revival in Dawsonville. In January of 2018 Pastor Todd Smith of Christ Fellowship Church, during a 21 day fast, had an 8 second vision of his baptismal tank filled with water and fire. The Spirit said to him that He was going to baptize Believers and others with fire!! Two weeks later God manifested His presence in the baptismal waters in a powerful way with undeniable, irrefutable miracles breaking out as people encountered God. Healings of stage 4 cancers, removal of scars and tattoos, blind eyes opened, creative miracles such as cartilage being restored in a back, along with many testimonies of powerful deliverances and restorations as well. There have been on going miraculous testimonies of the power of God. Faceless, nameless pastors have come together in this region like never before. Some of them did not like one another and had grievances towards one another. They have humbled themselves, reconciled and are working together for revival. They ministered powerful to us for two days at the Pastors Conference as a unified team.
The atmosphere is marked by a holy, reverent glory presence, the fear of God, repentance, surrender, salvations, humility, faith, expectation and joy. The good news is that this move of God is transferable to those hungry, open and pressing in for more.
We want to personally invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8th at 5 pm for a water fire baptism encounter with Jesus at Maranatha Glory. A South Korean Pastor named Pastor Yong Brierly with her husband will help us facilitate the baptism after she ministers. Pastor Yong is from Illinois at River of Destiny Church. They had Pastor Todd (from Georgia) come to their church in the beginning of August and God’s presence came to encounter those that were baptized, and many miraculous testimonies have come from this time.
Come with faith to encounter God and the Holy Spirit in the baptismal water for whatever your need; healing, deliverance, salvation, surrender, more of God, healing of marriage, family, etc. The power of God manifests in the baptismal waters with miracles of many types.
Please bring a change of clothes and towels for the baptism. We will have a large baptismal pool in the sanctuary and we will stay as long as people want to get baptized and encounter GOD. To build your faith we would encourage you to look on YouTube for links for the North Georgia Revival Dawsonville and you will witness what God is doing.
Please call us if you have any questions. 574-354-0624.
In His Name,
Pastor Michael